Thursday, December 24, 2015

Dogs vs Fishes

The direct link is Dogs vs Fishes

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

A Gem: Mathematical Mysteries

Friday, November 13, 2015

Sabu Acording to Sabu

If the title reads a bit strange, wait until you watch the incredible and interesting story of Sabu... "Before the hacker known as Sabu became an FBI informant, he participated in some of the world's most notorious hacks. He tells us how Operation Tunisia went down from the inside..."

First Part: CNET Interviews Sabu: He was influence by the "Mentor" 
Third Part: Héctor Monsegur's Next Steps.... SONY Case
It is Sabu, or Héctor, a Hero, or just a simple hacker?  What do you think?

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Still Learning

It was written while participating in a faculty development workshop (on October 20, 2015, although this day was immensely sad for me after all )

According to the experts the drawing above is one of the best depictions of Michelangelo's semblance. It was drafted by "Il Braghettone,"  perhaps better known as Daniele da Volterra. I am bringing Michelangelo in here, because in spite that he is one of the best known artist in mankind's history,yet many people ignore how he began and decided to take that path towards the highest high degree of mastery that he eventually was able to achieve during the span of his almost 89 years living in this earth. 

If you were thinking that there is a link, or a direct connection between what was happening in Florence and the quality of work of Michelangelo, you are entirely correct!

I am not going to write in here about the details on how "Il Divino" (as he was called, "the divine one") was divinely inspired by the works of Masaccio, Ghiberti, Giotto, Cimabue, or even from Pico della Mirandola (Philosopher) et al., all that has been made very obvious from and can clearly be understood by reading one of the two biographies published when Michelangelo was still alive, thia one by Georgio Vasari; precisely, in that seminal book "Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, from Cimabue to Our Times". [I invite those who would not have the chance otherwise to read it, and to take a good look to its contents: It is Inspiring! 

Inspiring! in this way I am see all of you as "IT Michelangelos," ready to awe and inspire students, you are able to see what others simply cannot. Is or is not that the University of Phoenix and  we, its IT Faculty, have the same Mission, Vision and purposes, as the mere Michelangelo had in the first place?

I considered myself a lifelong learner, I am constantly learning how to facilitate the absorption and acquisition of highly practical professional skills. Also, I see that every student has the potential to become the very best of what he or she can be; on this note, I see myself, the University and all of you, providing the students the necessary tools so they can go a little further still evenly when they erroneously would have believed they cannot go any further. 

Well, it is clear for me, there is a  straight line between our  "learning" and the mission, vision and purposes of the University and this line is connected for forming successful, well-rounded professionals, who in turn will impact their families and their communities in many positive and meaningful ways. 

John M. Kennedy 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Don Manuel Arbulú: Un Gran Maestro

Hace pocos días me enteré de la sensible partida de Humberto Martínez Morosini. Es ahora en estos momentos, visitando esta interesante página que me vengo a enterar de la partida de uno de mis mejores maestros.

Un hombre cordial, un caballero dedicado completamente a su deporte; un especialista en el arte del desarrollo muscular. Un mentor que me supo enseñar sus conocimientos sin exigirme o pedirme nada a cambio. Un guía que me brindó muchos caminos desde mis inicios en ese deporte que unos llaman fisico-constructivismo, muchos otros fisicoculturismo, y yo, aparte de estas denominaciones, con algunos otros pocos más, lo entiendo como la cultura física, o sea como una parte vital para el desarrollo de la vida humana como tal.

Enfrento un dolor muy frío que me cala completamente el alma.
Comparto ese vacio incommesurable, que nos ha dejado Don Manuel Arbulú, con familiares, alumnos, amigos, y allegados.

Estoy sintiendo esa especial expresión fraternal que él me ofrecía incondicionalmente, perdonándomelo todo, aceptádome tal y como era, y acicateándome a dar lo mejor de mí e ir más allá aún todavía de aquello.

Don Manuel, siempre fuiste un maestro para mí, siempre me hacías sentir como un superman y sembraste en mí la idea de llegar a ser todo un campeón; siempre me entregaste un calor muy humano y un cariño muy especial, que lindaba entre tutor, guía, padre, hermano, y amigo.

No miento cuando escribo que yo siempre deseé tener ese aplomo e inspirar esa confianza que a simple vista y desde muy lejos demostraba Don Manuel a todo su prójimo.

Comprendo muy amargamente que al haberme alejado del Perú, sin quererlo, o haberlo ni siquiera pensando y menos planeado, he perdido muchas cosas, todas ellas muy valiosas, sobretodo la riqueza de estar y seguir aprendiendo de profesores tan virtuosos y del calibre de Don Manuel Arbulú.

Nunca las poseía, y menos ahora tengo a disposición las palabras correctas para expresar mi immensa gratitud por sus enseñanzas, consejos, e instrucciones, pero dejenme gritar de emoción carajo: Esto no es dable ni es posible, repito que no puede ser que usted se nos haya ido tan lejos, y no he podido decirle abrazándole como para devolverle, si pudiere, de nuevo la vida: ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS GRAN MAESTRO!

Muy sinceramente mi más sentido pésame...
John M. Kennedy

Friday, February 20, 2015

Your Road-Map to Vector Analysis

I was asked by a student, who appeared to be struggling with the subject,  how one can speed up her/his understanding on kinematics, especially, to design machines? I recommended him to review his basic mathematical skills, and I gave him the following chart. I am sharing it with you in here just in case you would have similar problems... it is based on a good old book: Algebra and Trigonometry by Fleming & Valberg.  Enjoy your trip.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Poetry For Inspiration but "Be the Best of Whatever You Are"

This article was Posted by John Kennedy on Jun 21, 2013 7:57:51 AM in  one  University site

I do not know about you but one of my main sources of inspiration is poetry. Let me share with you one example, I promise that after you read this beautiful poem, you will obtain an effective and decent dose of inspiration for the years to come.
One more thing, please let me know your opinion about it, I would be enchanted to learn about your experiences and realizations after you would have read this poem. Oh yes, the poem is from Brother Malloch (1877 - 1938); well, that is how he was called back in his town full of lumber yards, in the forests.  This writer lived and grew-up surrounded by trees, rivers, and nature, and for this reason, Douglas Malloch, became known also as the “Lumberman’s poet”, first locally, in Muskegon, Michigan, and then nationally.
Therefore, be inspired by reading, and feeling, one of the most powerful and beautiful poems ever written in the English language, Brother Malloch’s poem titled, "Be the Best of Whatever You Are"

If you can't be a pine on the top of the hill,
Be a scrub in the valley — but be
The best little scrub by the side of the rill;
Be a bush if you can't be a tree.

If you can't be a bush be a bit of the grass,
And some highway happier make;
If you can't be a muskie then just be a bass —
But the liveliest bass in the lake!

We can't all be captains, we've got to be crew,
There's something for all of us here,
There's big work to do, and there's lesser to do,
And the task you must do is the near.

If you can't be a highway then just be a trail,
If you can't be the sun be a star;
It isn't by size that you win or you fail —
Be the best of whatever you are!

Sunday, February 01, 2015

Mira "Te Regalo Yo Mis Ojos"

January 29, 2015 at 4:36pm

La intolerancia y sus efectos...

"Un biólogo propuso acabar con la religión para el bien del progreso humano," 'rezaba' el artículo de marras...

Al menos que a las religiones las hubieramos puesto en su debido sitio ya no pasaba nada... pero es difícil ... la recalcitración es conchuda...

De nuevo, la religión es una manera de ver la vida y también de vivirla sin andar imponiéndola a nadie, una conección que se siente y no se explica, si nos reservaríamos nuestros sentimientos de fe para nosotros mismos entonces no habrían mayores problemas; o sea uno es religioso o es ateo o quizás agnóstico, o lo que uno sea o quiera ser, pero con el nivel de conciencia humano y no de un animal, que a veces más parece que los animales fueran más sensatos que nosotros todavía. 

Empero, cuando surgen las empelotonadas diferencias entre los religiosos "abogando" por sus religiones hay guerras, sin querer presenciamos, oímos o vemos decapitaciones, aniquilaciones de poblaciones enteras, bombardeos, insultos, homicidios, persecuciones, torturas, de todo y cada cosita ya se convierte en una cuestión de vida o muerte... y los medios de incomunicación que son bien "enteros" junto con los locutores del silencio se aprovechan de esto para vender más propaganda metiéndonos todavía más miedo, confusión y dudas... ¿O no es así?

¿Qué pasa? 

¿No tomaron su mejoral para mejorarse la cabeza o en todo caso sus pastillas para que se limpien esas sucias ladillas...?

No pues  así tampoco pueden ser las cosas, tan feas y peligrosas, pero el cochino caso es que se están dando cada vez más y de una manera más cojuda, virulenta, y por demás violenta.

Que nos conste a todos: Ya estamos casi acabando la segunda y "besando" la tercera década del siglo XXI (y lo pongo en números romanos que tampoco son cubanos).

Este es un tiempo en el  la mayoría de la gente anda conectada, empachada, encelurarizada, enwificada, internetizada y como que enculonada algo así como que encantada con su quehacer "costidiano" y encabronado...

Entonces para eso son los alfajores... y qué carajo saben los monos de ellos...
Se sabe o se debería de saber que sabemos poco o casi nada (así con el  mismo ritmo de esa canción "Te Regalo Yo Mis Ojos": "♫ ...así que espero que comprendas...♪♫" [¡canta pues carajo!]) excepto que por lo mismo que sabemos muy poco o casi nada, pienso que ya deberíamos saber como deberíamos respetar las creencias de todos en el mundo como todos en el mundo deberían respetar las creencias de los otros o las de nosotros. Claro racional y sinceramente, hasta ese carajito punto en que nuestra libertad, dignidad y humanidad como los derechos y la felicidad de nuestros hijos y de las futuras generaciones no se vean compremetidos o se pogan en peligro de perderse o "extinguirse" ya sea parcial o totalmente... y lo mismo va para ese reblandecido caso y recarcomido tema acerca del valor social y político de nuestra privacidad.

Ahora siga usted nomás desde adentro de su procesión, ilustrísimo señor ingeniero, periodista, y hermano cargador, sahumeando su sahumerio, que yo seguiré por acá poniendo azulejos y rascándome cada uno de mis pendejos ... al fin así todos nos quedamos lo mismo de contentos... 

¿A ver pues vente y dáte una vuelta por esta esquina?

Friday, January 30, 2015

The "Gates" of Glorification

The Post:

"A NSF study reveals humans have upwards of 50,000 thoughts a day, and that 95% of these thoughts are repetitive. Numerous studies have shown 70-80% of thoughts are negative. From an evolutionary perspective, anxiety and negativity are highly adaptive normal healthy traits. An obsessive focus on fear was critical to survival in ancient times. How we manage our millions of thoughts and emotions determines how we feel. Cognitive Therapy is effective because of the direct relationship between the thoughts we choose to focus on, and how we feel and experience life. CT has been used extensively to assist people to identify and change unhelpful or inaccurate thinking (obsessions), problematic behavior (addictions), and distressing emotional responses (depression, anxiety, PTSD). An area of neuroscience study called "neuroplasticity" reveals when we change how we view our thoughts and feelings, we change neural pathways and can greatly improve our state of mind and quiet our chattering caveman brains. "Emotional Intelligence" is a field of study that teaches skills to manage emotions, implemented by business leaders such as Bill Gates. We have strong capabilities to alter how our brain operates, but this subject is a tricky to consider. We feel helpless, and our egos are strengthened by pain and suffering, so it can be tough to make positive changes... because a big part of us is resistant to it."

First Comment:

"I see this type of RBET (Albert Ellis et al.) works for Gates as he and others like him are unable to understand what is empathy... Hence the technological dependence and decadence of this era..."


John Manuel you state 'Gates and others' like him lack empathy. where is your evidence? you do realise the main characteristic of a psychopath is the absence of empathy.

My answer:


It is a long conversation, but examine the data available, there is an ample documentation and documentaries about it from where you can examine the behaviors and extrapolate your own conclusions, this can be minimally explained by people with Asperger Syndrome and/or Autism. By 'this' I mean the way they were carrying their business, for example, listen (and it has been filmed) what the Electric Engineer, Robert (Bob) Metcalfe, the creator of Ethernet on May 22, 1973, has to say about his bitter relation with Microsoft and how they practically ransacked him, but he was not the only one though... many companies as well received the same "treatment"... I personally believe in competition but I also happen to believe in fairness and rationality...

Metcalfe after so many years of fustigating the Free, Libre, and Open Source (FLOSS) movement has publicly acknowledged this mistake while Gates and Microsoft now are trying to exploit the ideas embedded in this noble way to create and develop software without saying even thank you to the community that created voluntarily in the first place. Steve "Monkey" used to say: " The Open Source is like cancer... " and he made sure than everybody in the world should hear him saying it aloud and in the most nasty way possible... This is not about being sick and how to treat psychological sickness is about the terrible impact that these type of people have in the society, which can be minimized only by actively confronting those who are celebrating these lives or their achievements... I would celebrated the live of Nicola Tesla, a little bit, or even for that matter, the one of Thomas Alva Edison, they worked very hard their own "arses" for what they achieved; they didn't have an expert lawyer for a father, or bought an entire Operating System (The Quick and Dirty Operating System or QDOS) which in turn was plagiarized from a real Developer and scientist, who was called, Dr. Gary Kidall. The OS in question was precisely the CP/M (Control Program for Microcomputers). Sometimes, the propaganda is more powerful than the mere reality... 

A savant is able to be very focused but the combination of that condition with a rare and extreme greed, and the eagerness or insatiable need for protagonism or 'figuratism' for vain, glory, and/or power, only brings, as always has (think of Nero or Caligula if you want), problems for the rest of other people in this world at large... 

Well, Gates always wanted to be Jobs and a little bit more than him, and Jobs at the end of the day was always a little bit more egocentric, creative, and diverse than Bill could ever be. Anyway, the influence was there and his pressure was permanently "felt" by little Bill at the beginning; then he maintained the same motivation by focusing in other rivals or victims, and things; by the way, Jobs is another spectrum of issues... Some of them are positive and some quite negative... it was always an incomplete complex human being, it was not a well-rounded individual... just a skeleton of an angry salesperson He even knew very little about how computers work... and he cared less about them too, really? Sorry Steve Jobs, neither this way, in my book, is a way to succeed, and now I understand why Apple Inc. decided to sent jobs off-shores, especially, to China, where the labor appear to be cheap and the demand for them is very high, while here in your country the manufacturing industry is practically dying and the unemployment is causing all sort of problems.  Great? 

For example, lets instead to pay attention to real people in technology, by "real" I mean solid and well-rounded or balanced individuals; perhaps: Prof. Donald Knuth (his contributions and achievements are admirable) or Steven Wozniak, "The Woz." These are down to the earth and kind people... They lack the desire for power, money, or fame... and these is the type of role models and behaviors that I think we need to emphasize and talk about more often...  

Now, if you were a sort of a Spencerian... then praying, predation, deprivation, and predators must be subjects of your fancy that you might be interested to "psychoanalyze" much further than I would ever do...(to use a Freudian term in Adlerian mode with a Jungian self-motivation). 

Correct, we all are only humans, and so with a lot of personal insignificant mental disorders or shortcomings... Nevertheless, no everyone in this earth could have a solid impact or the economic power, or otherwise, as to change things for the better of for the worse in different, significant, and deep ways; like over the type of research that scientist are conducting and its applications and proper dissemination of the scientific findings. On the amount of investments in different small and medium businesses; in controlling our way of communicating and collaborating; over our rights for personal privacy, and other affairs, as those, the very very few indeed that are controlling the economy, and are playing god not only with their lives but with the lives of so many people who are suffering innocently the consequences of their decisions and culture or world view.

It is in here where the main problem arises: The immense and horrible gap between the wealthy and the other 99% of the population; the inequality and the lack of political participation, the increase of corruption as a given an accepted fact, the very scarce and fair opportunity to start a new business and compete in an open market place without being victimized, sabotaged, or digested by the adventurist and capitalistic "sharks;" the liberty for accessing different channels of education for people of all kinds for improving their critical thinkers skills, so they could solve truly real societal and urgent problems which affect the whole humanity including the rich and mighty. So, do we want universities funded by Gates? What is the main purpose? To convert Students, Administrators, and Professors in Microsoft Software consumers, licensees, and/or Zombies? Is really this what we want: to become users losers as the microsofties are calling us just because we bought their products?

Oh oh, let me see, from my window, I am watching a drone coming towards here, therefore is time to wish you good luck....

However, I beg your pardon, while I am sharing my views, I do not want to impose them in anyway, shape, matter or form, nor I wanted to put down what appears to be a dearest clay idol or icon for the many or diagnosing him... but I feel compelled to write my experience so you and others can read it and ponder over as they wish... as in my humble opinion "the Gates' model is not a way to follow neither is a way to succeed in business or in life... Now, add Steve "The monkey boy" Ballmer (long gone from the Microsoft scene by now) to the Gates equation and you will understand why I take some of my time to write a pair of comments about mentioning or citing Gates as a business role or critical thinker model...

Oh the drone is here already, consequently, you necessarily need to excuse me...

PS. Watch this and just let me know what is your take on it... you don't need to be a George Orwell to understand this... Please, give me a brake .. I have four words for you: I "love" this company...

Some articles and/or links posted as evidence or source:

1. Introducing Compassion Focus (
2. Brain Plasticity and Behavior (
3. Biopsychosocial Model
4. The Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A review of Meta-analyses (
5. A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Assessment Model for Use in Everyday Clinical Practice (
6. Using the Five Areas Cognive-Behavioral Therapy Model with Psychiatric Patients (
7. The Mu Rhythm Bluff (
8. CP/M (
9. Ballmer Sell Windows 1.O [Remember he can no sell Windows 10 - they ousted him] (
10. 1983 Apple Event Bill Gates and Steve Jobs (
11. Bill Gates Netscape Navigator Lawsuit [behavioral analysis] (
12. How Microsoft Attacked the Beast who created Netscape, Mozilla Firefox & invested Skype (
13. The Story of the Ethernet (
14. Larry Tessler and Bob Metcalfe about Steve Jobs (

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Tu Búho Ciego

by John Manuel Kennedy Traverso

Es poeta, porque está casi ciego anda cansado y siente como un loco, sin embargo es un búho.

Muchos de nosotros también, vemos muchas cosas, quizás hasta a las estrellas;
nuestros ojos evidentemente hechos para ver se estrellan desde lo lejos
con la sabiduría que existe en la luz que emiten ellas,
y también casi al mismo tiempo con las cosas más diminutas que hay dentro de este planeta tierra.
Entonces de tanto ver nos quedamos lógicamente "ciegos"...

A veces ciegos por el dolor o ciegos por alguna pasión...

Ciegos por algún amor o tan sólo por un error...
Ciegos de ver tantas pantallas de tantos tamaños que están mostrando lo mismo.
O por las murallas derrocadas de los siglos...

 Ciegos por aquellos buscadores malditos más recónditos.

Estamos códificados no solamente por símbolos llenos de cosas,
o de cosas cuasi-históricas llenas de sinsentidos culturares 
Juntos amanecemos llenos de experiencias y sentimientos;
y nos perdemos vacios sin podernos encontrar nunca dentro de un hueco;
mucho más todavía cuando lo que queremos es paz, justicia y libertad:

Claro está para nosotros mismos y para cualquiera...

Un "nosotros mismos" que incluye a todos, y claro, a cualquiera.
De pronto, nos parece que perecemos en la oscuridad de cualquier noche;
escribiéndonos un poema con toda la esperanza que éste nos pudiera ofrecer siquiera...

Ese es el poder que solamente nos puede dar la más triste tristeza...

En tan sólo una delicada y dolorosa lágrima nuestro llanto se hace "eterno",
En ese "tiempo" se derraman cada uno de nuestros años...
Lo hacemos todo a la vez... sufriendo y sonriendo.  
Es así como todo lo que es verdaderamente reala se hace con el corazón ardiendo.

Entre las llagas que se acumulan está nuestro pasado muriendo en nuestras conciencias...

El momento en que se sienten los recuerdos es brutalmente maravilloso...
Porque amargamente sentimos la motivación de sentirlo o escribirlo...
y es así que en verbos y sustantivos todo lo convertimos...
Presentimos que ya no hay más tiempo...
y que se acabó aquel reglón infinito de alguna página eterna del mismo destino... 
Una fementida fuerza brota desde los horrores del miedo y hasta lo que parecería bello se le une;
Entonces nos sentimos corajudos y lo sentimos o deseamos sentirlo todo y no como un martirio ...

Incidentalmente, algunos escribimos, ya sea únicamente para nosotros mismos o para todos...  

Claro está [pensamos], también escribimos para todos o:
"para cualquiera que entienda y sienta o quiera sentir o entender como uno"
O simplemente para poder respirar un poco más tranquilos...

Ya que por las noches soñando como aquel búho poeta y ciego, no podamos ni ver ni dormir... 

[JMK - New York - November 20, 2014 ◙ reeditato January 28, 2015 Nueva York - JMK] 

Saturday, January 03, 2015

Dies Solis: A Quote From the Works of Paine and Truth

 "La fábula de Cristo y sus doce apóstoles ... es una parodia del sol y de los doce signos del Zodíaco , copiadas de las antiguas religiones del mundo oriental .... Todo lo dicho de Cristo tiene relación con el sol. El reportaje de su resurrección sucede al amanecer , y en el primer día de la semana , es decir, el día antiguamente dedicado al sol , y de allí llamado domingo ... "

-- La Edad de la Razón -"La Obra Religiosa y Teológica Completa de Tomás Paine." Tómas Paine (P. 382).

"The fable of Christ and his twelve a parody of the sun and the twelve signs of the Zodiac, copied from the ancient religions of the Eastern world.... Every thing told of Christ has reference to the sun. His reported resurrection is at sunrise, and that on the first day of the week... " 

--The Age of Reason - "The Complete Religious and Theological Works of Thomas Paine." Thomas Paine  (P. 382).

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