Wednesday, September 30, 2009

At the End of Capitalism as We know it The Last Direct "Moore" Message to President Obama

Michael Moore at the 66th Venice International Film Festival on 06/09/2009. The Photograph author is Nicolas Genin who posted it at Flickr under the license of Creative Commons for more information about this photo visit the following links:

Michael Moore has stated many things but the majority of these statements have been supported with abundant hard videotaped evidence organized in his documentaries. Documentaries that show the reality that we have experienced and still are experiencing. Few people know or remember the great documentaries that Charles Guggenheim and his production Company were able to make. The best documentaries of Guggenheim are not too commercial for the taste of those whose business is the entertainment, however the historical and anthropological value is incalculable. Michael has put up with the brutish and "bullshitic" bushism of the previous administration and he is telling us as if he were a the next-door guy what we are experiencing the end of the capitalism, let me quote him from his remarks about it in a recent interview made on November 18th, 2008 with Larry King, he said the following, as Larry in vain wanted to silence his words:

These guys, for all that stuff they've been telling us all these years about, 'Go capitalism! Free market! Free enterprise!' They don't believe in any of that. They don't believe in free enterprise or free market. They want socialism for themselves. They want a handout and a net for themselves. To hell with everybody else, but give it to them. And I think, really, what we're seeing now -- with them, with the banks -- we're seeing the end of capitalism. The end of capitalism as we know it and I say good riddance. It hasn't helped the people or the planet."

Here is the Source, meaning the interview of Moore with Larry King:

In other interview conceded for CNBC, he stated that our political-economic system is outdated and basically is unfair, for state the least. While Michael define what really is "capitalism" in these days... Lets us listen him and those "poisonous spiders" attack him and defending their stupidity the "Youtube":

Let's understand what he meant by stating "No other Western Democracy does this to its people" or "You haven't lost us"... and let's listen this, his direct message, not only to President Obama but, for extension, more importantly to all Americans about the necessary Health Care Reform, here in a "YouTube" is Michael Moore at the
Public Citizen headquarters in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, September 29th, 2009.

Monday, September 28, 2009

"After Forever Epica Cries for the Moon"

Epica live at "Tuska Open Air Metal Festival 2006". Photo authored by Antti Leväsaari, who released [on July 1st, 2006] under [the license of] Public Domain.

The mix between Death Metal guitarist, Mark Jansen, and the lyrical mezzo-soprano, Simone Simons, especially the mix of their voices, Mark with his diabolic voice and Simone with her angelical voice, forms the core of this peculiar Dutch Symphonic Metal band called Epica. The songs, "Façade of Reality" and "Crying for the Moon" have gained some notoriety because its lyrics, some in English, some in Latin, are controversial but pertaining to this neodark age.

My take is that the members of "Epica" are portraying with these songs the feelings of many people who are standing against religious fanaticism and political fanatic indoctrination. Factors that are causing our current civilized world to be in a state of tears. Some politicians, are requesting thousand of millions of dollars for more security, more cameras, more censors, more forces of order, and more weapons against weapons of mass destruction; especially, here in NYC, all the while people and bands like "Epica" are claiming for just more "common sense". Anyway, let's listen this song in a "Youtube" format, from "Epica" with open mind and once again try to follow your common sense...

Cry for the Moon

Follow your common sense
You cannot hide yourself
behind a fairytale forever and ever
Only by revealing the hole truth can we disclose
The soul of this bulwark forever and ever
Forever and ever

Indoctrinated minds so very often
Contain sick thoughts
And commit most of the evil they preach against

Don't try to convince me with messages from God
You accuse us of sins committed by yourselves
It's easy to condemn without looking in the mirror
Behind the scenes opens reality

Eternal silence cries out for justice
Forgiveness is not for sale
Nor is the will to forget

Virginity has been stolen at very young ages
And the extinguisher loses it's immunity
Morbid abuse of power in the garden of eden
Where the apple gets a youthful face [Read Mike Bloomberg abusing NYC]

You can't go on hiding yourself
Behind old fashioned fairy tales
And keep washing your hands in innocence [Vote for Bill Thompson]

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Do you Really Want to know What is Going on in New York City?

If you really want to know what is going on in New York City watch the debate on Wednesday night at 7 p.m., Bill Colridge Thompson Jr., the current 42nd Comptroller of New York City, will participate in the second and final Democratic Mayoral Primary debate.

You can See or hear this debate in which Mr. Thompson will describe his vision for a New York for all New Yorkers. The debate will air live on both WABC [TV] or 1010 WINS [Radio].

Debate Press Realease in ► here

A Love Story About Capitalism

Friday, September 04, 2009

La Metalingüística Peruana o ¿Ya Sabes Qué Lenguas Se Hablan en el Perú?

First American Beauty by ~JohnManuel on deviantART

La PUCP o la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, al buen "decir" criollo, se ha ganado no solamente uno pero varios porotos, por haber realizado un interesante documental acerca de las lenguas que se hablan actualmente en el Perú, que los realizadores, Jorge Pérez y Virginia Zavala, precisamente han denominado "Las Lenguas Del Perú".

Me acuerdo que al cumplir 14 años viajé por primera vez de Lima a la selva Amazónica del Perú, lo que ví y aprendí, tal vez lo narraré algún día, pero lo cito entre estas líneas porque, en ese viaje, en el cual llegué hasta la laguna de Yarinacocha, me encontré con el "Instituto Lingüístico de Verano".

Situado en el medio del lago en un especia de "islita", por sus siglas en inglés, al institudo se le conoce también como SIL por sus siglas en Inglés [esto proviene de: Summer Institute of Linguistics]. Para mí fue una experiencia desconcertante oír hablar en un casi perfecto inglés a algunos Shipibos que evidentemente habían sido "contactados" por los "agentes" del tal instituto.

La selva era tranquila, muy diferente de lo que es ahora, era el año de 1971, siempre me pareció que el SIL, tenía un efecto "contaminante" para la gente del lugar, pero yo estaba tan fascinado con todas las cosas del lugar que no me detuve por mucho tiempo a pensar en las consequencias, sin embargo nunca me olvidé del SIL, y es más, comenzé en mis vacaciones escolares a visitar los otros "centros" extranjeros que radicaban en la selva y en la ceja de selva del Perú.

Casualmente en su novela, "El Hablador" (1987), Mario Vargas Llosa crítica al SIL aduciendo que sus investigaciones y otros trabajos estaban destruyendo la manera natural de vivir de la gente del lugar.

Que continúen realizando más de estos documentales, pues así aprenderemos, que nuestra cultura, como lo proponía el padre de la arqueología Peruana, Dr. Julio C. Tello, es autóctona, es oriunda, que no necesitabamos de la coca-cola para producir chicha, y que no hay que avergonzarse de nuestro pasado, todo lo contrario, pues hace más de 5,000 años, no sólo contabamos con lenguas muy complejas, si no que también además de mirar al cielo, construimos observatorios para entenderlo.

La ciudad de Caral

He Aquí Chanquillo: El Obserbatorio Astronómico más antiguo de América

Dentro de este documental, un entrevistado expresó un muy interesante pensamiento, una lengua no sólo sirve para comunicarse, también sirve para vivir mejor, dijo él; mientras que otra entrevistada añadió y comparó el factor del desprecio que sufren algunos de los que hablan español en los Estados Unidos, con lo mismo que pasa con los que hablan otras lenguas que no sean el castellano dentro del Perú.

A mí me consta lo que esta pasando en lo Estados Unidos, el desprecio se ha incrementado últimamente. Tanto la burla y el desprecio hacía la gente que habla castellano, aquí en Nueva York han cínicamente empeorado, llegando en ciertos casos hasta la muerte, a un Ecuatoriano lo mataron a patadas por tan sólo ser inmigrante o vaya a saber por qué. Tendría que contarles mucho al respecto, los que "la hacen", lo hacen de una manera muy sutil pero muy insultante, lo triste es que cada vez son más; el mayor problema es que la mayoría de personas ni se dan cuenta de ello y, creen que les están haciendo un favor, cuando el interlocutor les comienza ha demostrar que su lengua natal precisamente no es la del inglés. Hay muchos "assholes" en todo sitio pero por aquí sin lugar a dudas abundan.

Bueno sin más prámbulos, aquí abajo les "transplanto" este magnífico documental.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Sonata Innamorata by P.D.Q. Bach

According to Professor Peter Schickel, P.D.Q. Bach lived between the years 1742? and 1807

A new documentary on Johann Sebastian Bach has been recently released. Finally, they have included in this film notes about the not too famous member of the family Bach, also an extraordinary composer by his own right, whose name appears to have been "P.D.Q. Bach".

P.D.Q. stand for "Pretty Damn Quick" or "Pretty Darn Quick", in fact P.D.Q. Bach's compositions are quite creative. Let us listen the interpretation of one of them, in this case, in the shape and form of a "YouTube", the "Sonata Innamorata", now you got to wait until the very end to enjoy this music completely. Here it is:

Anyway, there is nobody like Johann Sebastian Bach; P.D.Q. Bach is just a fictional character invented around 40 years ago by Professor Peter Schickele.

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